Petition - Tell the Mater Hospital to stop burning Coal

Did you know the Mater Hospital burns coal onsite for energy? 100 years of polluting Brisbane is long enough and it's time to stop.

The Mater Hospital South Brisbane’s dirty energy supply is making climate change worse! It also releases poisonous coal contaminants into the air we breathe.

Friends of the Earth believes the Mater Hospital’s coal burning days are over and its time for the Board of Directors to close it down and move to renewable energy.

Sign the petition asking The Mater Hospital - Board of Directors to stop burning COAL!

Will you add your voice?

Dear Chairperson and Directors,

I am highly concerned about the Mater Hospital South Brisbane’s ongoing coal burning and use. The negative impacts of climate change are being felt across the globe and throughout Queensland. I was shocked to learn the Mater Hospital is still burning coal for energy. The Mater Hospital's reputation is at risk. The burning of coal is recognised for its contribution to climate change and the ill health impacts from exposure to airborne coal contaminates.

I believe the Mater Hospital South Brisbane must stop burning coal.

Chairperson and Director, as a member of the Board of Directors for Mater Misericordiae Ltd - owner of the Mater Hospital South Brisbane - will you move to stop the Mater Hospital South Brisbane from burning coal?

You have clear health and environmental reasons to shut the coal burner down. Doing so will improve the lives of local people and children exposed to your airborne pollution, and help lower the impacts of climate change.

Please close down the Mater Hospital South Brisbane’s coal burning facility.

Thank you.