The irradiation of tomatoes & capsicums (bell peppers) has been approved by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today. In Australia, all irradiation is done with nuclear material. Now, A1069 (the application for the irradiation of tomatoes and capsicums) only requires rubber-stamping from the Ministerial Council. Each state has at least one STATE MP on the Council. Let your local member know that you say NO!!! Media: Robin Taubenfeld 0411118737 Ministerial contact details and a sample letter is below. Our original submission opposing the irradiation of tomatoes and capsicums is a great read! It can be downloaded here: Ministerial contact details and a sample letter is below: RE: APPROVAL OF IRRADIATION OF TOMATOES & CAPSICUMS (A1069)Dear Member of the Australia New Zealand Food Ministerial Council, On March 19, Food Standards Australia New Zealand announced its approval of Application A1069, for the irradiation of tomatoes and capsicums. As a member of the Ministerial Council you have final decision making power over this approval. I call on you to reject this application as the irradiation of these popular foods is not in the public interest. The irradiation of food has not been proven safe. I am extremely concerned that FSANZ continues to ignore scientific evidence highlighting the problems with irradiation, including vitamin depletion and the production of radiolytic products – chemicals formed in food when it is exposed to radiation, such as benzene, formaldehyde and cyclobutanones. In 2009, the irradiation of cat food was outlawed in Australia after up to 100 cats developed neurological disorders after consuming irradiated cat food. There is no science proving this effect to be species specific, however, the irradiation of food for human consumption is still permitted in Australia and New Zealand. Furthermore, while I applaud the government for its decision to phase out the uses of some pesticides, I vehemently oppose the promotion of irradiation as the “alternative”. Numerous alternatives exist, including other chemical treatments, physical disinfestation, creation of pest-free zones and organic production. I also am alarmed that FSANZ appears to function as a defacto promoter of irradiation, rather than a judicious adjudicator on the matter. FSANZ continues to ignore scientific modelling and consumer information that challenges its pro-irradiation stance. As a member of the Ministerial Council, you have responsibility to ensure safe and healthy food for our community and to prioritise that over food corporation interests. The irradiation of tomatoes and capsicums poses a risk to our community and is not in the public interest. A1069 must be rejected. I look forward to hearing your response to my concerns, Yours faithfully, Name | Australian Government: Hon Tanya Plibersek MP Minister for Health and Ageing 150 Broadway, Chippendale NSW 2008 [email protected] The Hon Catherine King, MP Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Ageing PO Box 6022, House of Representatives Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 [email protected] Senator the Hon Joe Ludwig Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry GPO Box 2477, Brisbane QLD 4001 [email protected] New Zealand: The Hon Nikki Kaye. MP,Minister for Food Safety P.O. Box 47-658,Ponsonby Auckland 1144 New Zealand [email protected] | Australian State & Territory Reps QLD Lead Minister: The Hon Lawrence Springborg, MP Minister for Health GPO Box 48, Brisbane QLD 4001 [email protected] The Hon John McVeigh MP Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry GPO Box 46, Brisbane QLD 4001 [email protected] NSW Lead Minister: Ms Katrina Hodgkinson, MP Minister for Primary Industries Level 30 Governor Macquarie Tower 1 Farrer Place, Sydney NSW 2000 [email protected] Mrs Jillian Skinner, MP, Minister for Health Level 31 Governor Macquarie Tower 1 Farrer Place, Sydney NSW 2000 [email protected] NT The Hon David Tollner, MLA, Minister for Health GPO Box 3146 Darwin NT 0801 Email: [email protected] VIC Lead Minister: The Hon David Davis, MLC Minister for Health Shop 4, 976 Riversdale Rd., Surrey Hills VIC 3127 [email protected] The Hon Peter Walsh, MP Minister for Agriculture and Food Security Level 20,1 Spring Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected] WA Lead Minister: The Hon Dr Kim Hames, MB BS JP MLA, Minister for Health PO Box 5551 Falcon WA 6210 [email protected] The Hon Terry Redman, MLA Minister for Agriculture and Food 11th Floor, Dumas House 2 Havelock Street, West Perth WA 6005 [email protected] TAS Lead Minister: The Hon Michelle O'Byrne, MP Minister for Health GPO Box 1470, Hobart TAS 7000 Michelle.O'[email protected] ACT Ms Katy Gallagher, MLA Minister for Health GPO Box 1020, Canberra ACT 2601 [email protected] SA Lead Minister: The Hon Jack Snelling, MP Minister for Health and Ageing GPO Box 2555 Adelaide SA 5001 Email: [email protected] The Hon Gail Gago, MLC Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries GPO Box 464 Adelaide SA 5001 Email: [email protected] Australian Local Government Association: Councillor Bill McArthur Golden Plains Shire President of the Municipal Association of Victoria PO Box 111,Bannockburn VIC 3331 |
Friends of the Earth, in conjunction with the Australian Conservation Foundation, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Electrical Trades Union, North Queensland Conservation Council, Queensland Conservation Council and Queensland Nuclear Free Alliance have released a report damning the LNPs push for uranium mining in our state. ![]() High Risk – Low Returns: the case against uranium mining in Queensland is the NGO and civil society response to the LNPs undemocratic decision to go ahead with uranium mining in our state.
Read the report [here] Why should Queensland forego the economic benefits of uranium mining when some other states permit uranium mines? In a nutshell, it is because the economic benefits are grossly overstated and are outweighed by the wide-ranging environmental, public health and weapons proliferation problems and risks. Uranium accounted for 0.19 per cent of Australia’s export revenue in 2011/12 (the last available figures). By the most generous estimate, uranium accounts for 0.015% of all jobs in Australia. For Queensland, there is the additional limitation that the state has around just 2% of Australia’s uranium resources. Clearly, the industry has no capacity to deliver significant economic or employment benefits. Lock the Gate Alliance have launched our Call to Country. It's a call from the heart of this country, and the people who love it, to demand real action to restrict inappropriate coal and gas mining. ![]() Our new mapping shows that 437 million hectares of our land is covered by coal and gas licences or applications. That's more than half of Australia and an area 18 times the size of Great Britain. Even our greatest international tourist icons are not safe, with at least 11 of our 16 National Landscapes at threat.
Today, our Call to Country will be plastered to the window or pinned to the door of almost every Federal electorate in Australia. But this is just the beginning. Over the next month, we're asking you to take Our Call To Country and meet with your Federal Member of Parliament. Our Federal politicians have shirked their responsibilities for too long - but they have the power to act and now they need to use it. Don't just stop with your Federal MPs. Keep on taking the Call to Country everywhere it needs to go - pin it to the doors of churches, financial institutions, chambers of commerce, and the offices of federal election candidates. Share it with your friends and families, your colleagues and your social and sporting clubs. |