Today our intrepid FootPrints for Peace walkers reached Iluka, site of a 90 ha subtropical littoral rainforest; the largest remnant of this type of vegetation in the state of NSW. After the noise of the traffic, the quiet of the forest was soothing. Huge sinuous woody vines greeted us as we meandered along a pathway lined with mossy logs.
The dominant tree species is brush box and some grand specimens would be around 200 years old. We encountered a cyclist, a dedicated regular who noted that on Sunday he heard a noisy pitta bird – the first for four years! He also reported that when the pathway was altered, he had to convince the pathmakers not to clear the ancient woody vines: Over my dead body seemed to be the clincher. It was a privilege to meet with yet another passionate fellow traveler. Rivka has welcomed us into her home and after two nights of camping we have slept well.
Peace and grace, Dawn
Peace and grace, Dawn